Community Land Trusts (CLTs)
for locally controlled housing that is affordable in perpetuity (that’s forever!)
Potential Homeowners
There is an agreement between the Trust and the homeowner about improvements, upkeep standards, and resale. Typically homeowners can recover their equity (including any improvements made) and realize a portion (typically 25%) of any increase in market value in the resale of the house. The land itself remains in the ownership of the Trust in perpetuity.
Lots of Successful CLTs Elsewhere
There are lots of good examples in the Pacific Northwest and beyond of CLTs that have been functioning for years. Check these out for starts:
ProudGround is Portland’s own and the largest CLT in the Pacific NW. They’ve helped over 400 homeowners purchase affordable homes in Multnomah, Clackamas, Washington, Clark, and Lincoln County (just to the south of us!) Check out their website for more information.
Unlike Oregon, the State of Washington has been supporting CLTs for a long time so there are lots of homegrown examples that were inspiring to NeahCasa’s board in its early days.
Check out the Orcas Island OPAL Community Land Trust. They equate affordable homes with a healthy community. Their page How Opal Community Land Trust Works gives a really good synopsis of a typical CLT process.
San Juan Home Trust is one of several land trusts in the San Juan Islands area.
Lopez Community Land Trust has a long community-based history including this award winning project:
Kulshan Community Land Trust in Bellingham, Washington.
A cool collection of different projects, many involving tiny homes, under the aegis of SquareOne Villages in Eugene, Oregon
New purchase in Northern California that involves buying existing structures with folks already living there. Check out CLAM in Point Reyes.
How Can NeahCasa Join the Club?!
As stated elsewhere on this site in our history and mission, NeahCasa was incorporated as a 501c3 in 2008 and several board members at the time became well versed in the possibilities of housing trusts to ease our coastal housing crisis. But NeahCasa was never able to achieve ownership of land or houses. What will it take for our community to foster the development of this land trust – or for that matter any other housing solutions?
Join us to be part of the conversation and a piece of the solution!